Thursday, October 7, 2010

Visiting artists to come to Valerius!!

Valerius Elementary is partnering with Metro Arts Alliance and Green Arts to bring visiting artists to all art classes! From October 18th to November 19th, all first to fifth grade classes at Valerius will participate in workshops led by local artists in the Green Arts program.

GreenArts is an arts education program that uses the arts to help Polk, Dallas, and Warren county community members of all ages connect with nature and become more involved with conservation initiatives and practices. The program is an offshoot of Metro Arts’ highly successful and virtually free Education on Location outreach program. There is a growing need to educate people of all ages about the human impact on our natural resources, and the ways everyone can help make a difference in ensuring the future of our planet. Artists go to school and community sites to conduct programs that connect conservation and nature to the fine arts.

1st-3rd graders at Valerius will be working with artist/educator Carol Taylor. Through puppetry, storytelling, interactive pantomime and songs students will learn fun and fascinating facts about insects, their life cycles and value to humans and the planet. Students will work with the artist on additional stories and create an original insect puppet from recyclables.

4th and 5th graders at Valerius will be learning about mammals of Iowa's past and present. Artist Bettie Jane Bibler will work with students on the elements of design, color, symmetry and animal motifs. Students will create masks or collages from a variety of recycled, reusable and natural material. Bettie Jane will also use multicultural folktales as a part of her programming.

Paul Klee Castles Projects- Completed!

As you read on my last post, 3rd graders have been hard at work on their Paul Klee-inspired Castles Projects. Check out some of these completed mixed media projects - they turned out incredible!

This has quickly become one of my favorite all-time projects. It's so multi-layered, rich, promotes success for all, stimulates creativity, and the kids enjoyed it immensely!

The last two photos show you how far the students have come and all the steps we had to take to finish our artwork - we had to create a complex grid of shapes, mix colors to paint nearly every shape, cut out our shapes, assemble them to creatively form castles or fantastical buildings, glue down our shapes and then blend two colors of chalk pastel for our backgrounds!