Tuesday, November 9, 2010

4th grade Color Mixing Bubbles Abstractions

Check out these wonderful abstract mixed-media artworks by our 4th graders! 4th graders reviewed/learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colors. They started this project by tracing a variety of circles and some rectangles in an overlapping composition across their papers. Next, they used only the primary color crayons (red, yellow and blue) to color in some shapes. Where primary colors overlapped, students mixed them together until they created secondary colors (purple, orange and green). Once students had mixed all the primary colors to create their secondary colors, they overlapped one secondary and one primary to create intermediate or tertiary colors (i.e. red-violet, blue-green) in the overlapping areas. When students had finished creating their tertiary colors, they were allowed to overlap any colors of their choosing. Lastly, students painted the background areas with watercolor. This project is one that is simple but challenging and the results are beautiful!

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