Sunday, September 26, 2010

3rd Grade Paul Klee-inspired Watercolor Castle Collages

3rd graders have finished painting their shapes for their Paul Klee Castles Projects (see last photo), and have started to cut out their shapes and arrange them to create castles and other kinds of fantastical buildings!

For this project, I don't give kids glue sticks until we've talked about their compositions - at first some don't understand why and want to glue right away, but I encourage big picture thinking and planning. Once they've started arranging and planning their castles, they understand why they can't glue right away - it's challenging to design buildings!

I love watching the "wheels turn" as students place down their shapes, arrange their shapes, remove shapes, move other shapes across the page, wipe the page clean and start all over again. In another week or two, all students should be done with these amazing Watercolor Castle Collages - and they will look amazing and reflect all their hard work!

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