Sunday, September 26, 2010

4th Grade Gustav Klimt-inspired "Self Portraits With Quilts"

4th graders are wrapping up their Gustav Klimt-inspired "Self Portraits With Quilts". They've learned a lot during this project and the results are outstanding! We started out by looking at Gustav Klimt's "Baby", a portrait of a baby wrapped in a crazy quilt, and talked about Gustav Klimt's use of pattern and color. Next, we spent a class learning how to draw our faces in correct proportion.

Over the past few class periods, we've been drawing different patterns and designs on our quilt squares and painting them neatly using colors we've mixed ourselves (that means no standard reds, blues or yellows straight out of the box)! The last step, which only a few classes have gotten to, is adding embellishments to each quilt square using gold paint markers. We've talked about how gold is Gustav Klimt's signature color, and I think it adds a little something extra to these beautiful paintings!

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